Choosing the Best Office Plants for a Relaxing Work Environment

Office environments tend to be dry (due to A/C), with harsh lighting and sometimes little to no sunlight. But that doesn’t mean they have to be lifeless. In fact, adding plants to workplaces has been shown to create a calm and inviting space, improve productivity, and reduce stress levels (it’s true!).

So, if you’re in need of a green pick me up, here are some hardy, low-maintenance plants we recommend that can add a touch of nature and relaxation to your workspace.

Non-Flowering Plants

1. Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera deliciosa)

The Swiss Cheese Plant, also known as the split-leaf philodendron, looks like the stereotypical plant that first comes to mind when you think “office plant”

These plants can survive just about anything and produce nice large leaves, preferring bright, indirect light, but can tolerate lower light levels. Swiss cheese plants also like to dry out between waterings, and can tolerate dry soil. What’s great about Monstera deliciosa is that it has a high transpiration rate, which can help increase humidity levels in indoor environments like office environments.

2. Philodendron (Philodendron spp.)

Actually a genus of flowering plants, philodendrons are pretty stereotypical office plants that can survive harsh office environments, with nice green leaves that are viny. Similar to Monstera deliciosa, these viny plants have lush green leaves that can adapt to low to medium indirect light and require infrequent watering, needing to dry out between each session. Their resilience makes them perfect for the inconsistencies of office care.

3. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

ZZ Plants are known for their ease of care and attractive, and textured leaves. These plants can survive in low light and have minimal water requirements, capable of going weeks without a drink. This makes them an excellent choice for offices with limited natural light and irregular watering schedules.

4. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Probably most well known for their plastic knock offs (it seems like almost all snake plants you see in malls are plastic), Snake Plants are really nice plants with more vertical leaves than the philodendron varieties. These plants are super easy to take care of and can thrive in low light conditions, requiring infrequent watering, as they store water in their leaves. Great for office spaces and can grow fairly large.

Flowering Plants

1. Orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.)

Orchids might seem delicate, but they’re surprisingly easy to care for. They bloom for months and only need to be watered every one to two weeks. They thrive in bright, indirect light and prefer their roots to be briefly soaked and then allowed to dry out completely. These beautiful plants can add a touch of elegance to any office.

2. African Violet (Saintpaulia spp.)

African Violets are small but vibrant plants with beautifully textured leaves. They thrive in bright, indirect light and can tolerate some irregular watering. Their compact size makes them ideal for desks and small office spaces.

3. Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

Kalanchoes are colorful plants, with bright blooms and textured leaves. They need some direct sunlight but generally do well in bright light conditions. They prefer to dry out between waterings, making them another low-maintenance option for the office.

Special Mention: Living Walls

Living walls are a stunning way to bring a large amount of greenery into an office space with minimal maintenance. These vertical gardens can be made using felt systems available at hardware stores and can be customized to fit any space. They not only look great but also improve air quality and provide a unique focal point for the office.

How to Create a Living Wall Indoors: Window World Guide

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